Monday, September 15, 2014

Day Fourteen: Feedback

Feedback for learning is anytime I can help a student see where they are in relation to where they need to be, and how to help them get to there.

I am good at this sometimes. The problem with giving effective feedback is that it takes a ton of time (and I only teach 3 classes - I can't imagine what the load of work looks like for my colleagues with 6). Rubrics are effective, but especially when it comes to elements of writing styles and crafting a voice - this takes time and care to develop. And this is where I spend most of my time when commenting on student work.

Sometimes this is reduced to one last thought at the end of their writing - one or two things I notice that could be improved. I know that is better than nothing, but I like to look at their writing as a dialogue that I need to participate in.

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